Staying on the Blogging Bandwagon

In a previous post we helped you to get started on your company blog. But now that you are blogging, how can you stay on target and stay on the blogging bandwagon?

Blogging can be very overwhelming, and we know how easy it is to fall into a rut and forget about (or give up on your blog entirely) once you get busy, or get frustrated when you don’t receive a lot of comments, retweet posts or Facebook likes.

You need to realize that you are not going to see overnight success on your blog. And you need to accept that. We’re all big boys and girls here, we know that hard work pays off and it is no different with blogging.

Another thing that keeps a lot of people away from blogging on a regular basis is work. We’re all busy, and it’s easy to push your blog to the back burner when the work comes piling in and your inbox fills up. It happens to everyone. Even us.

How Often Should I Blog?

We get asked this question a lot and we always give the same answer. You should blog at least once a week, but more often is always better. Three to four times a week is ideal.

Starting with blogging once a week will get you into a groove and will help you find your voice as well as your method for writing. If you are spending more than 15 to 20 minutes on a blog post you are over thinking it. Reel it in and follow the K.I.S.S. method. (Keep It Simple, Stupid).

How Do I Keep It Simple?

It’s very easy for a blog post to get away from you. You’re trying to fill it with all the useful information that you can, and that’s great, but you need to stay on point. Well how do you do that? Organize, organize, organize! Create a chart to plan out your post.

By creating an editorial calendar you can easily plan out your blogs a month in advance and write them as ideas come to you. You can even assign blogs out to other employees to write.

Working With an Editorial Calendar

The editorial calendar we work with helps us and our clients on track with each blog post.

  • What is the topic?
  • What is the short (or meta) description?
  • What social media posts can you write to create and drive conversation?
  • What calls to action are you including in your blog (include links to landing pages)?
  • Who is the author of the blog?

By keeping a record of these items, you can easily have your blogs and promotions planned out, and it can even make tracking your ROI easier.

The key is to stick with it. Your efforts will pay off as you generate more traffic and leads from your blogging.

Do you work with a blog editorial calendar? What tips keep your blog update?

This article originally appeared on LyntonWeb.